About ZimKids Orphan Trust

ZimKids Orphan Trust was built, bit-by-bit, brick by brick, in response to the pressing needs of the orphans in Pumula North, Bulawayo, the community we serve, rather than to some wider NGO handbook. The 300 orphans we work with are extremely fragile. Not only have they watched their parents die, but most have also been traded around among relatives, moved from rural areas to town and often back, used as servants by distant relatives, or trapped at the age of 12 raising two or three younger brothers and sisters.


So when we say, “Built by Orphans, Run by Orphans, For Orphans,” we’re serious. Our 16-year-olds tutor our 12-year-olds. They plan and run our sports programs, teach chess, read to our preschoolers, keep an eye out for children might look upset, and fill our facility with joy. They do so in buildings constructed by earlier Zimkids – and our trainees maintain them, along with our solar array. They wire our buildings, build our furniture, and, in the process, learn how to become self-supporting.

 Young people who didn’t know how to turn on computers three years ago are now instructing 3-year-olds. And these same young people grow our fruit and vegetables, in the process learning about drip irrigation and low-tech greenhouses.

Awesome Team

Our Orphan Center is Built by Orphans, Run by Orphans, For Orphans.

Best Programm

We provide them with a new family, one which they are valued as individuals and helped to reach their potential

We're Registered

We receive U.S. tax deductible contributions through the Zimkids Orphan Foundation, a 502(c)(3), EIN 80-0930138.

Students Support

We help provide educational opportunities, skills training, medical care and recreational activities.